Writer/Speaker Susanna Foth Aughtmon is the mother of 21-year-old Jack, 19-year-old Will, 16-year-old Addison and the wife of pastor/marketer, Scott. After realizing that her college dream of being an In Living Color flygirl, might not come to pass, she turned to her passion of writing. It was a better fit…her children can attest to this.
Her writing career has spanned a decade and includes inspirational, devotional, and humorous books. She is regularly featured in Guideposts daily devotional Mornings with Jesus. She has written collaboratively with musical artist Plumb, New York Times Bestseller Mark Batterson, and master storyteller, Richard Foth.
Transplanted from the California coast to the Treasure Valley of Boise, Idaho, 3 years ago – Susanna has figured out all the best coffee shops to write at. She is currently working on a variety of writing projects including, a middle grade series for her former middle school students. (Shout out from Mrs. Aughtmon!)
Mostly, Susanna just loves to tell a good story. Good stories connect us to each other and to the One Who loves us most of all. Using humor and the focus of how Jesus’ grace intersects our daily lives, her writing mission is to encourage and uplift her people.
Her books reflect her own journey of knowing and loving Jesus. She is still working it all out with hope, some healthy fear and strong coffee. She invites her readers to join her on this wild, up-ending, beautiful journey of following Jesus.
Susanna loves connecting with her readers through her books, speaking engagements, Good Things newsletter and blog, Confessions of a Tired Supergirl. She also adores e-mails and letters from her readers. She is always up for a laugh, (or a cry…both are cathartic), a bar of dark chocolate, and a good conversation.
Why don’t you grab a hot cup of coffee and join her?